Reasons Why You Might Be Getting Ripped Off
There are a few reasons why your dentist might be charging more than some others:
1. Salary
Like lawyers, doctors, and other professionals, Dental specialists are paid a lot more than the average worker. As such, they can charge whatever the market will bear for the services they offer (of course, this is not always true--there are plenty of talented dental specialists out there that would be happy to take less money to provide their patients with the best care possible).2. Marketing costs
Dental professionals have to spend money to provide you with the best care, but they also have to make money to stay in business. Like any other business, they have a lot of expenses; things like office supplies and advertising all need to be paid for in one way or another.3. CompetiĀtion
If other dental professionals are charging less for the same services, then you might be getting squeezed out of your market. People are often willing to pay more for services because they don't want to leave their dental specialist. If there is another dental specialist in the cheaper area, you might be forced to take your business elsewhere.4. Fear
If a tooth doctor is charging less, people might be more likely to go with that tooth doctor. Also, if you are a nervous patient, seeing a sign stating "$39 Cleanings" might cause your anxiety to spike. Paying more money at the tooth doctor might make you feel better because it's an investment in your health.5. Pressure and greed
Sometimes, a dentist might be angry that they don't get the business they want (in other words, they may be demanding more money than they deserve). This is especially true if another tooth doctor in town is charging a little less.6. Management Philosophy
Some tooth doctors believe that they should charge more money because they know what's best for you. The fact that you have an extra dollar between the two of you does not mean that the other tooth doctor is incompetent. It's just overpriced teeth cleaning for most people, and even if it's not, you're getting exactly the kind of care you deserve from your dental specialist.7. Fixed costs
Tooth doctors have a lot of expenses that they can't change, and they want to make a profit, so they charge more than their expenses would require them to make money.8. Exclusivity
Dental specialists know that not everyone can afford the services they offer, so they charge more money to ensure they don't lose all their high-paying clients.9. Arbitrage
Tooth Doctors, like the rest of us, are always on the lookout for a quick buck, so if there is a way to make more money in less time, then they will take it. This is especially common among dental specialists, who may find a cheaper deal somewhere else. The only thing that matters is the money, so if you can't afford their operation, then they will take your money any way they can get it.10. Bad product or service
Bad dental products and treatments from an unhealthy tooth doctor will not last for very long and will eventually be replaced. The more time a patient spends with the same doctor, is more likely the relationship will become too demanding.11. Happy worker, happy boss
The tooth doctor may be satisfied with their job because of the income and free dental surgeries they receive from you (who wants to go to the dentist?). A dental specialist might also be happy with their work because you provide the office with business (in other words, a happy worker makes for a happy boss).How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off from Your Dentist
Here are a few suggestions you can use so you can avoid getting ripped off at the dentist: